2019.11.12 What are output from Ydlidar?

With the rosrun command, ydlidar printed output values of angle-distance. However, it is hard to figure out what output values mean. Through some experiments, I figured out that middle values mean distance from the head. The ydlidar could detect distances from all angles, however, it printed distance value from the head to the objects. 2019.11.12 What are output from Ydlidar? 더보기

2019.11.12 How to get output from Ydlidar using Ubuntu and Ros Kinetic?

Today, I tested in the ubuntu environment. There was a build problem with catkin_make. I deleted some folders in src, and then it worked! Following the instructions of ydlidar_ros manual as following pictures. As a result, I tested with ydlidar in the box. Angles and distance from lidar was printed on the command console. Next step is to figure out how to save output datas from the ydlidar. 2019.11.12 How to get output from Ydlidar using Ubuntu and Ros Kinetic? 더보기