Github 0.1 How to make a fork of pubilc repository to private?

Fork the original github repository to mine. Create a new repository in your github repository. Clone the public repository using options –baregit clone –bare public-repo.gitgit push –mirror ..rm -rf public-repo.git Clone the private repository to work on.git clone private-repogit remote set-url –push origin some changesgit commitgit push origin master Pull recent update from the public repositorycd private-repogit remote add public pull public mastergit push origin master Reference : Github 0.1 How to make a fork of pubilc repository to private? 더보기

2020.02.03 How to install Anaconda in Ubuntu 18.04?

Today, I will install Anaconda environments to my new computer environment – Ubuntu 18.04. Following this site and instructions from Stanford university, I downloaded Anaconda 3 from the website here. I chose the Python 3.7 version of 64-Bit Installer as the downloaded version. After downloading, I made the vertual environment named cs231n with this command. conda create -n myenv python=3.7 activate myenv deactivate myenv If I want to install specific libraries with specific version, I have to type the following commands below. conda install -n myenv scipy=0.15.0 If I want to check the environment setup for my conda, type the … 2020.02.03 How to install Anaconda in Ubuntu 18.04? 더보기

2019.12.12 How to use NAS?

NAS is Network Attached Storage which is a storage connected to the network. There are several companies which make NAS such as Synology, Qnap, and Asustor. The main function of the NAS is same. There are specific hard disk for NAS only. I followed the instructions in this video to study how to use NAS. Assemble the NAS with extra hard disks. Go to Synology website and login to the synology. Install the Synology disk station to the virtual machiine. Set the accounts. Filestation would be installed in the computer. Connect NAS to the computer using network cable – LAN. … 2019.12.12 How to use NAS? 더보기

2019.12.11 How to get sensor data from Android phone?

Today I installed apk files to the android phone, and tested whether the phone could print the sensor data and save the data into txt files. I succeeded to run the apk files in the phone, and get the sensor data in txt file format. I got the overall project file from my colleague, and installed the Android Studio on the desktop to build the project. It has errors at the first time, however I succeeded to build whole project on my desktop environment. 2019.12.11 How to get sensor data from Android phone? 더보기

2019.11.26 How to use RPLidar?

I visited website of rplidar, and downloaded the sdk file. sudo pip3 install rplidar : Install rplidar library on Ubuntu.sudo apt-get install python3-tk I run with python3, however, it returns error of ‘failed to import robobiz’.I found the robobiz site, related to the slam project using rplidar. I suceeded to build, but still don’t know how to actually slam near environments yet. 2019.11.26 How to use RPLidar? 더보기

2019.11.22 How to use Ydlidar using Python, without ROS?

Today, I tried to use Ydlidar X4 using only python, without ROS. With this command, I could install the lidar library to python3. Pylidar3 support Ydlidar X4 library. I tested with the samplcode given in the website using X4. It worked well. However, when the program stopped in the middle of the processing, YDlidar has a connection problem at the next running. So, Wait until the processing would be finished. 2019.11.22 How to use Ydlidar using Python, without ROS? 더보기

2019.11.20 How to detect obstacles from four directions using Ydlidar?

Today,we tried to test the robots with ydlidar whether it could detect the obstacles within the boundary(1.5m). We set the four directions – right, left, front, back and we designed to move in opposite directions if the obstacles are detected in one direction. The following video is our test video. Surprisingly, the robot could detect the obstacles well and moves to the opposite directions. 2019.11.20 How to detect obstacles from four directions using Ydlidar? 더보기