2019.11.26 How to make SLAM using RPLidar?

Today, I both tried BreezySlam and Hector Slam. However, both of them do not work quite well. I succeeded to build every file following this site instruction, but the map does not generate at all. Also, I tested the distance and angle measurement of the Rplidar. I have to figure out the connection between slam and Rplidar to generate . 2019.11.26 How to make SLAM using RPLidar? 더보기

2019.11.26 How to use RPLidar?

I visited website of rplidar, and downloaded the sdk file. sudo pip3 install rplidar : Install rplidar library on Ubuntu.sudo apt-get install python3-tk I run rpslam.py with python3, however, it returns error of ‘failed to import robobiz’.I found the robobiz site, related to the slam project using rplidar. I suceeded to build rpslam.py, but still don’t know how to actually slam near environments yet. 2019.11.26 How to use RPLidar? 더보기

2019.11.22 How to use Ydlidar using Python, without ROS?

Today, I tried to use Ydlidar X4 using only python, without ROS. With this command, I could install the lidar library to python3. Pylidar3 support Ydlidar X4 library. I tested with the samplcode given in the website using X4. It worked well. However, when the program stopped in the middle of the processing, YDlidar has a connection problem at the next running. So, Wait until the processing would be finished. 2019.11.22 How to use Ydlidar using Python, without ROS? 더보기

2019.11.20 How to detect obstacles from four directions using Ydlidar?

Today,we tried to test the robots with ydlidar whether it could detect the obstacles within the boundary(1.5m). We set the four directions – right, left, front, back and we designed to move in opposite directions if the obstacles are detected in one direction. The following video is our test video. Surprisingly, the robot could detect the obstacles well and moves to the opposite directions. 2019.11.20 How to detect obstacles from four directions using Ydlidar? 더보기

2019.11.14 How to connect horse robot with YDlidar?

Today, we connect Ydlidar to the horse robot. What I did is in angle scope from -30 degrees to 30 degrees, if objects are detected within 1 meter the function will return False, otherwise return True. I tested with the robots, and it worked well. Current lidar detects distance from every single angle. However, I have to revised the code to skip the section if the section already detect objects within boundaries. The following video is test with the horse robot whether it could change the direction if the object comes up within 1 meter. Code Link Here 2019.11.14 How to connect horse robot with YDlidar? 더보기

2019.11.13 How to get angle and distance values from ydlidar?

Today, I get angle and distance values from the ydlidar. In the ydlidar_ros/src/ydlidar_client.cpp file, there is a code to handle the valuses from ydlidar. We made a program flow chart to control autonomous driving horse robot as following steps. Go straight until the objects appears within return scopes(around 1 meter, only check from -30 degrees to 30 degrees). If something appears with in boundaries, then return False, else return True If the input value is True, go straight, else turn right until the input value becomes True. Go to 1. I made a program which check whether objects appears in … 2019.11.13 How to get angle and distance values from ydlidar? 더보기

2019.11.12 How to get output from Ydlidar using Ubuntu and Ros Kinetic?

Today, I tested in the ubuntu environment. There was a build problem with catkin_make. I deleted some folders in src, and then it worked! Following the instructions of ydlidar_ros manual as following pictures. As a result, I tested with ydlidar in the box. Angles and distance from lidar was printed on the command console. Next step is to figure out how to save output datas from the ydlidar. 2019.11.12 How to get output from Ydlidar using Ubuntu and Ros Kinetic? 더보기